As our business continues to grow and new opportunities arise, we reach out to the community of learning and development; organizational development, human resources and strategy professionals and invite interested and capable members to join our faculty and consulting team.
As you may be aware, Learning Impact is a market leader in the design and delivery of impactful and high quality workplace learning programs, strategic human resources solutions and organizational development interventions for clients across the private, public and not for profit sectors in Nigeria. You can learn more about our programs and activities since 2015: HERE and prior to 2015 OVER HERE
We therefore invite you to express your interest in joining our team as an independent consultant and get the opportunity to participate in landmark workplace learning, organizational development and strategy projects, and to learn and grow with a team of forward-thinking professionals.
To express your interest, please click on the button below, and provide the information requested. We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.