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Writer's pictureGbitse Barrow

Achieve your Training ROI

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

The Corporate Training Industry accounts for billions of dollars in expenses every year, but does it create the Return on Investments (ROI) that organizations desire, or do training programs continue to represent a "ticking of the box" by organizations and their people?

Omagbitse Barrow shares his thoughts on this subject, and provides a powerful linkage between the ADKAR Model for managing change, and the search for tangible returns on training investments, in the Online Efiko's GUIDE TO SUSTAINING THE IMPACT OF TRAINING.

Enjoy the learning experience, and transform the impact of corporate training in your organization.

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Peter Shialsuk
Peter Shialsuk
Oct 11, 2022

Training is not necessarily aimed at changing individuals or organizations. Acquiring new knowledge or skill does not mean the individual will change. The focus should be on the application of the new competency.

Is the ADKAR model a silver bullet? How does it address future skills?

Gbitse Barrow
Gbitse Barrow
Oct 11, 2022
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Interesting perspective, but what is the higher purpose of the application? When you apply the the new skills aren’t you inevitably going to create change? Or is the purpose of applying the skills to remain the same? This is the context upon which this approach is predicated.

Drawing on the Kirkpatrick model, training effectiveness is measured at four levels - reaction; transfer; change and impact. We believe that impact only comes through behavioural change that improves results, which should be the end result of ”application” to which you have referred.

Is ADKAR a silver bullet? Certainly not, there are no silver bullets in human and social sciences, but we have seen improved results in practice.

This is why we…


Oct 11, 2022

Training and Retraining is great just as learning, unlearning and relearning is the best that can happen to any Workforce. However, Training Impact analysis(TIA) atimes can be frustrating. Hence, proper gaps must be identified, competency framework of all cadre of staff conducted qnd the exact needs factored into the training model. That way, ROI can be calculated.


Gbitse Barrow
Gbitse Barrow
Oct 11, 2022
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I agree, that’s why we must create the environment for the training to be effective. In fact carrying out a TIA without this enabling environment will be frustrating because there will be no impact to evaluate since people were only interested in the time off work, the pseudo-holiday, nice meals or the certificates to brag about on their CVs and LinkedIn


Oct 11, 2022

Gbitshe you are always spot on! At times, TIA do nothing.

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